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Writer's pictureNaweïa Wilder

Purium's PowerShake: What is it?

Purium`s Power Shake was created so that you can easily consume several energizing, gluten-free superfoods all at once, thus saving you time and money. The Power Shake is also the core nutrition shake for Daily Core 4 Pack Plan. Power Shake comes in Original (unflavored) or Apple-Berry.


Rice Bran Solubles - vital for maintaining normal cholesterol levels and blood glucose control. They are also an all-natural source of vitamin E type tocopherols and tocotreinols and contain a variety of B vitamins, Q-10, gamma oryzanol, folic acid, and more. Rice Bran Solubles is the outer, soluble part of brown rice that normally gets cooked away. Soluble rice bran is the fuel of many Asian martial artists.

Organic oats – great source of fiber and manganese that may also help support healthy blood sugar levels and enhance immune system response.

Organic spirulina - nature’s most complete nutrient source, containing over 60% complete vegetarian protein, an abundance of chlorophyll and essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and nucleic acids, as well as nature’s highest source of a new class of immune enhancers, a photosynthetic pigment called phyco-can. An all-natural ‘multivitamin’ in and of itself. Used for centuries, Spirulina was the fuel of the Aztecs.

Organic carrot juice - Known as one of the most important parts of any juice fast or raw food regimen, their deep, rich, orange color comes from the abundance of beta-carotene, minerals, and other phyto-nutrients that are unique to the tuber family. It also has a naturally sweet taste that perfectly complements the other super foods.

Organic wheatgrass - Clinics all over the world have been set up to administer the miraculous juices extracted from sprouted wheat plants. People report that the intensive cleaning the chlorophyll and enzymes provide is unsurpassed in its abilities to stimulate the immune system response and instigate healing.

Organic millet - rich in fiber and the B complex vitamins, also aids in digestive health.

Organic amaranth - great source of most of the B vitamins and vitamin A.

Organic buckwheat - Not technically a grain, it comes from a fruit seed in the rhubarb family, and is therefore gluten free. Buckwheat contains a rich supply of flavonoids, particularly rutin, and may help support healthy blood sugar levels. Very high in many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, and manganese.

Organic quinoa – this gluten-free grain has grown in popularity due to its nutrient density, it contains more calcium than milk and is also a great source of protein.

Organic chia – a staple in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries, chia is a rich source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants.

Organic alfalfa leaf juice - The father of all foods, alfalfa has roots that reach up to 60 ft. into the soil to absorb trace minerals. Its lightweight proteins stimulate the rebuilding of tissues and strengthen the hair, skin, and nails.

Organic oat grass juice - One of the little known superstars among cereal grasses. Recent and ongoing studies indicate that unique proteins, lipids and other factors in oat greens may possibly help revive reproductive function.

For APPLE-BERRY POWER SHAKE ONLY: Organic raspberry flavor and Organic apple flavor were added to give the Power Shake a sweeter taste without adding anything harmful, unnatural or sugar based.

Lo han berry - contains a natural sweetening agent called Mogroside that is ten times sweeter than fructose, so a small amount means less calories.

You can find the link to purchase under the Nutrition tab. Use code BOWLOFLIGHT. :) Enjoy!

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